Varun Dey


  • pltr: Browser extension which tells you the progress of the page as you scroll through it
  • Twitter topic modelling: Topic modelling on twitter user profiles. Categorises user's tweet based on Bayesian algorithm.
  • DevRant RSS feed: RSS feeder for DevRant
  • pydo: Terminal accessible to-do list manager. Stores the tasks even after the session changes.
  • itlo: A Slack bot which helps SRM SE teammates in checking the status of the lab
  • GPA Calculator: GPA calculator to simplify the process of calculating GPA for the students of SRM University.
  • Chrome Page Speed Insights Extension: Check PageSpeed Insights score of the web page with a single click. ~15k weekly active users.
  • Announcement Informer: Linux desktop notification app which keeps user up to date with the latest announcement of the university.
  • Semantic search engine on Wikipedia: Information retrieval system on Wikipedia corpus from DBPedia RDF dumps.
  • Foodoh: A food recommender system which takes in food preference of user and recommends the best restaurant nearby.